If you’d like an insight into who I am and why I do this, (join me with a cuppa and) read on…

I experimented with the freelance design world while I was studying a Bachelor of Multimedia Design at university – I had time on my hands and an opportunity to sharpen my technical skills in an effort to build my portfolio in preparation for full-time employment.
I landed my first full-time job after graduating, becoming a full-time designer for an outdoor branding company. My role involved designing for large format displays & outdoor printed products and I was lucky enough to work alongside many respectable brands such as Adidas, Amazonia, Cricket Australia, Golf Australia, McDonald’s, Ray White and OPSM, just to name a few. I also designed a lot of sales collateral and grew into more of a marketing role – managing the company’s website, newsletters and email campaigns. This experience provided me with not only a myriad of technical skills but also an insight into effective advertising and marketing for both small businesses and large corporations.
After working at the same desk for almost five years the travel bug was biting too much to be ignored and before I gave myself the chance to change my mind, I had a one-way ticket to Canada. In March 2017 I flew away from Brisbane with nothing but a backpack and a boarding pass.
To detach myself from a computer screen for a while, I made it my mission to try a few jobs I had never done before. Over the next year and a half, I was a coffee shop barista; I worked at a ski resort; for a while, I was taking care of newborn lambs and fixing fences on a sheep farm; and ended my adventure at an organic vineyard. I continued to freelance on the side for a few loyal clients which kept my design flame alight. Eventually, I made my way back to Brisbane feeling enriched, energised and enthusiastic about putting my creativity to good use again.
I’m almost ten years down this freelancing road, and I’m thankful for it every single day.
So that’s how I got here, now on to some fun facts. I’m a big believer in making time to do the things that ‘light you up’…
Giraffes: A slight obsession maybe, but I can’t help it!
Coffee: Borderline addict… an extra hot Latte always goes down a treat. I also love a morning home brew using my Aeropress with beans from a plantation in my home country of Zimbabwe.
Golden Hour: I will never get sick of the build-up to a sunrise or sunset…those fleeting moments of perfect golden light.
Sport: I’m a big sports lover – cricket and tennis mainly, but I’ll gladly participate in a conversation about any sport, even cockroach racing.
Photography: My camera is often hanging over my shoulder. I love how it can capture moments that can be replayed and enjoyed all over again, especially video.
Roadtrips with Podcasts: Love a long drive. Chase Jarvis, James Altucher & Tim Ferris are a few of my current favourites.
Live Music: I’ve only recently realised how much I enjoy watching a live artist/band at a concert or at the local pub, even if it’s a genre I wouldn’t normally listen to.
Travel: I think I’ll have the bug forever. Some of my favourite places I have visited are Croatia, Greece, New Zealand, Mozambique, Japan & Canada.
Being in nature: I love being on the water or going for a good hike with panoramic views. I’ll take nature over city any day of the week.
Summer & the beach: Sunshine is my best mood-booster. I pretty much live in flipflops and will jump at the chance to be on or in the water on a hot summer’s day.
Cheese: I’d rather not imagine life without it.
– Excellent cheesecake tester
– Average at tying knots
– Poor at goodbyes, like really bad